Taiwan's Phased Goals and Actions Toward Net-Zero Transition
In March 2022, Taiwan officially announced “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050,” which provides a trajectory and action path to 2050, in order to promote technology, research and innovation in key areas, guide the green transition of industries, drive economic growth, and promote green financing and increased investment at various key milestones to ensure a fair and smooth transition period.
Taiwan’s pathway is based on the 4 major transition strategies of “energy transition,” “industrial transition,” “lifestyle transition” and “social transition”, as well as the 2 governance foundations of “technology R&D” and “climate legislation,” and is supplemented by "12 key strategies.” It aims to develop action plans for key areas of expected growth with regard to energy, industrial, and life transitions to implement net-zero transition goals. 12 action plans for key areas were identified with regard to net-zero energy, industrial, and lifestyle transitions.