Taiwan Greening Your Life


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DAAI Technology

DAAI Technology

The Green Trade International Forum (The second part)-10/04

The Green Trade International Forum (The second part) - 2012/10/04

The Green Trade International Forum (The first part)-10/04

The Green Trade International Forum (The first part) - 2012/10/04

Energy Policy to Cope with Climate Change in Taiwan

Speaker: Dr. Chi-Yuan Liang, Chairman of Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research Outline of the presentation: 1. Characteristic of Energy Situation in Taiwan 2. Framework

Economic Analysis of Climate Change in Korea

Speaker: Dr. Chae, Yeo-Ra, Korea Environment Institute Outline of the presentation: 1. Introduction 2. Scenarios 3. Impacts on the different sectors 4. Effects of adaptation

Taiwan's Innovative Industries

Taiwan has been an active player in the fields of green energy, avant-garde technology, aesthetic design and intelligent products, contributing creativity, craftsmanship and style


[04-Oct-2013 on Thenewsmarket] Taiwan's carbon dioxide consumption exceeds global average by four times. The entire country is driven to engage in energy war by going gre

Less is More

[09-Jun-2013 on Thenewsmarket] Plastic bottles have become major containers worldwide while their petro backdrop leaves nightmare to the planet. With appropriate recycling, p

Biobutanol, fuel from straws and crop wastes

[08-Dce-2014 on Thenewsmarket] The earth offers food to people. And some food, for example rice, leaves abundant straws and wastes for something else. A group of scientists i